KXBG, The Birth of Radio, has a new show! Harmonizing With Humanity focuses on special needs people and their caregivers through their music.
We asked Ralph Watley, KXBG's excellent DJ, a few questions about the show.
What inspired you to start the show?
I started the Show after talking with Randy Grossman of Orlando, Florida. He is the person behind the Show and owner of the Label that created the CD "The Life That's Chosen Me".
Harmonizing with Humanity is a wonderful title. What do you hope people come away from the show with?
I hope people will have a better understanding of the special needs community and their caregivers. They are too often ignored, feared and shunned by society.
What are a few examples of people you've had on the show?
Our show consists of music from the CD, plus 2 Special songs to close the show everyday: God's Special Angel by Amy Barbera and I Sing by Gina Incandela. Both of these Artists also live in Florida. Amy is in the Miami area and Gina resides in Orlando.
When can listeners check the show out, and is there a way to listen to past episodes of Harmonizing with Humanity?
The Show airs every day at 5:30pm Eastern to 7pm Eastern and replays overnight for our Overseas listeners from 3:30am to 5am Eastern time. The show airs every day in its entirety, so listeners can hear it on regular basis, as we want this show to be heard by everyone possible.
You can listen to Harmonizing with Humanity KXBG on Live 365, or check out the webpage! The CD Ralph mentioned contains the material now airing on the show. If you like what you hear, you can purchase it to send to friends or listen to whenever you like!
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